So, the good people at Edenhouse decided to send me on some Cloud For Customer development training. Aside from the premium experience that SAP offer at their training facilities, and some time away from my lovely family, this was a great chance to try out some of the new C4C development environment.
My first impressions are that you can develop quite a lot of stuff in quite a short period of time. I think it's a lot like Apple products - what they do do, they do incredibly well - but I can already see the limitations...more on that later.
Just by creating an object in the ABAP Scripting Language (ABSL), and running a few wizards, you have a variety of CRUD operations, a table, and query facilities. It was all mind-blowingly quick to develop. I think this will satisfy lots of end users, and they can just get on with their business processes.
I can, however imagine a lot of users saying "Can you make it do...<insert esoteric request here>" and we'll have to just say "No".
It can call WebServices though... this is where it'll get super-good. We'll WS to the R3 backend, and then we'll have the best of both worlds!
I've not got my own development environment yet, so can't do any vids or tuts, but as soon as I've got it together, I'll throw some material up.
Oh, and by the way, Happy Christmas Everyone!!