Tuesday, 30 June 2015

ABAP Push Channel

Usual left-field nonsense here... smiley emoji...

Using a combination of the ABAP Push Channel, which sends realtime messages super quick from place to place on your ABAP system, and the Phaser Game Library, I get some realtime graph updates based on what the little dudes on the right hand side are doing.

Just built this as a demo because creating sales orders and sending messages is a bit slow, and I wanted to see how much traffic I could throw at the channel before it started to snarl up.

I can't prove it, but I think it's the graph that's struggling here, not the messaging channel.

SAP have a PONG version, now shipped as standard, with 

One day, I could imagine having 2 terminals, one for each player, which updates a third terminal.

Sorry about the video quality, I guess Youtube are running out of space, but you can basically see what's going on!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

PI Java Editor - Security Refusal

Ah, security, eh... doing a great job of preventing malicious parties doing stuff to your system. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, they also prevent ABAP Heroes, such as ABAPGirl and OSSBoy and Mr SMARTForms from doing their thing...

When trying to access the PI Development environment ( Java ) we recently encountered this:

"Your Security Settings have blocked a self-signed application from running"

Which was fixed by lowering security settings (the cavalier approach) or adding the PI server to the exceptions list (the RIGHT way!).

This is done by going to Control Panel - > Java -> Security

Nice and easy!