Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Function Module to Map a Deep Dictionary Structure : CATSXT_GET_DDIC_FIELDINFO

Having been asked to make some changes in a BADI, I was confronted by SAP Standard Structure MDG_BS_BP_S_EXTERN which is a structure made of lots of other structures. I'd been asked to make changes to content of a field, but it wasn't obvious where in the multi-structure environment the field resided. 

One option was to methodically go through all the structures looking for the relevant one. I thought there must be a way to explode this...

and so function module CATSXT_GET_DDIC_FIELDINFO...

Takes input of MDG_BS_BP_S_EXTERN  (which, if you look at in SE11 just has some structures:)

And explodes to the more realistic 1.6k ish fields: