Wednesday, 11 November 2015

WSDL Loading

So my third party gave me a WSDL that needs to be consumed. I was using the wizard in SE80, when I get the following error : 

"Proxy Generation : Error Occurred" Incorrect Value: Entity (1/0) Unexpected End of file.


Now the WSDL was a text file that was sent to me via e-mail. I'd just saved it from Outlook onto my desktop...

I was able to double check the WSDL using this website:

which took a copy of the file and gave me a natty little report on how well formed the file was. It didn't much like my WSDL, and told me the same thing that SAP did... not happy!

I then cut and pasted WSDL content into Eclipse in a new WSDL file, saved that to my desktop. Eclipse seemed to like it. Once that had been saved to the DT, it passed the SAP and WSDL Analyser.

My only summation is that there must be something in notepad / outlook that messes up the WSDL definition...

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