Okay, I know the Select * s are inefficient, but makes the code more readable.
Had been struggling to work out what made the Sequence Items in CA02 disappear when we "Delete" one of the lines. Not sure why PLPO doesn't get it's own LOEKZ updated, but hey...
This finds ACTIVE sequence lines for Routings.
PARAMETERS: p_plnnr type plnnr DEFAULT '51000070',
p_vornr type vornr DEFAULT '0010'.select * from plfl into TABLE lt_plfl where plnnr = p_plnnr
and loekz = ' '.
select * from plas into TABLE lt_plas where plnnr = p_plnnr .
select * from plpo into TABLE lt_plpo where plnnr = p_plnnr
and vornr = p_vornr.
if lt_plpo is not INITIAL.
select * from crhd into table lt_crhd FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_plpo
where crhd~objid = lt_plpo-arbid.
loop at lt_plfl into ls_plfl.
READ TABLE lt_plas into ls_plas with key plnnr = ls_plfl-plnnr
plnfl = ls_plfl-plnfl.
if sy-subrc = 0.
READ TABLE lt_plpo into ls_plpo with key plnnr = ls_plas-plnnr
plnkn = ls_plas-plnkn.
if sy-subrc = 0.
READ TABLE lt_crhd into ls_crhd with key objid = ls_plpo-arbid.
if sy-subrc = 0.
write:/ ls_plpo-plnnr, ':' , ls_plpo-vornr, ':' , ls_plfl-plnfl, ':', ls_crhd-arbpl.
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